18 November 2009


The International Terminology Awards are administered by the European Association for Terminology in association with TermNet in order to promote research and development in the field of terminology and support future terminology activity by rewarding the work of up-and-coming researchers in the field.

The awards 2010 are open to candidates from all over the world. The evaluation of the theses and/or dissertations received will focus on the innovative content of the works and on how they contribute towards further developing applied research and development in the field of terminology.

The Award Ceremony will take place on the occasion of the Fifth Terminology Summit which will be held in Budaptes (Hungary) on November 12th and 13th, 2010.

Candidates are required to submit their candidature before 30 November 2009.

Contact term@eaft-aet.net
EAFT Secretariat
Centre de Terminologie de Bruxelles
Rue d'Arlon, 11
B - 1050 Bruxelles (Belgique)